Vehicle detail

In Vehicle detail user can see full detail of vehicle (History, Detail, Images, Tracking, Place, Contract, Documents and Cases).


In History user can see history of statuses, events and geo tracing.

Statuses are entered on the bar at the top.

Events and geo tracing are based on data from connected trackers.

Vehicle detail

In vehicle detail user can see full detail of vehicle. User can edit these data (to edit by click on any data and confirm by small pencil).


For more information about Image -> Image repository

Vehicle tracing

For more information about Vehicle tracking -> Track & Trace

Vehicle place

In vehicle place user can see an assign place. User can add assign place too.

Vehicle contract

In vehicle contract user can see assigned contracts. User can add assigned contracts too.

User can edit assigned contract.


For more information about Documents -> Document repository

Vehicle cases

In vehicle cases user can see all cases which were created for this vehicle.

The user can create different types of cases here.

For more information on how to manage and create Vehicle cases -> Case repository

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