Create BUY Case


Allows to Create new case. Case can be created empty, but in order to proceed with most of the features (Valuation of the car, Forecast prediction, Carcheck) Case need Vehicle identified at least .

Case can be created with minimum information or with full vehicle details (VIN, Catalog/eCode) and customer information.



  "sourceType": "ONLINE",
  "lead": {
    "salutation": "Mr.",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "address": {
      "street": "Zufällige Straße",
      "buildingNumber": "42/1337",
      "city": "Spaßstadt",
      "zip": "12 345",
      "state": "Bayern",
      "country": "Germany"
    "email": "",
    "phoneNumber": "+49 012 1234-5678"
  "vehicle": {
    "ecode": "011301100400001",
    "container": "DE001",
    "registrationDate": "2022-08-09",
    "equipments": [
    "mileage": 0,
    "vin": "TMBGDM9A_KP042788",
    "hsn": "string",
    "tsn": "string",
    "licensePlate": "WOB ZK 295",
    "manufacturerName": "Citroen",
    "baseModelName": "C4 Picasso (02.2007->)",
    "skipVinIdentification": false
  "dealerCaseNumber": "string",
  "externalReferenceNumber": "string",
  "rentalContract": {
    "startDate": "2021-07-21",
    "endDate": "2022-06-30",
    "startMileage": 123456,
    "expectedMileage": 234567
  "dueDate": "2022-08-09T10:47:04.531Z"

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